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Monday, March 15, 2010

Endogastric Doudenoscopy (EGD) What its Like - First Hand Account

What does it feel like to have an EGD?

An EGD stands for Endogastric duodenoscopy. Simply put, they are placing a scope down your throat, through your stomach and into the first portion of your small intestine called the Duodenum. This is a pretty painless procedure.

The first thing they do is make sure you are “prepared’ for the procedure.

Usually, the night before, you can’t eat or drink anything after midnight. This ensures their will be nothing in your system to impede or conceal any defects in the areas being looked at.

I was told I could take my medications with a sip of water that morning.

You have to put on a gown, then they put you on a gurney and roll you to the procedure room. You’ll probably have to sign consent to do the procedure which informs you of the procedure’s risks. They could tear the lining of any areas scoped. They let you know if this were to happen, you might need surgery to fix it.

Then you have to gargle e a slimy lidocane gel, and swallow it. Also, you have to swallow a substance that expands the air in your stomach.

Next, you lay down, they put a ‘sleeve’ in your mouth. Like a piece of PVC pipe about 2 inches long with a phalange on it. The phalange rests against your lips , and the sleeve keeps your mouth and throat open..
I had an IV and they gave me a little something to make me feel more comfortable… to relax me. I did appreciate this.

The next thing I knew, they were snaking something down my throat. at one point they told me to swallow. They were in my stomach with the thing. I could see on the monitor that they were in my stomach and were taking biopsies.

A 3 prong clutch was grapping pieces of my stomach and pulling them free. They did the same thing in my duodenum. This was painless, although I did feel the pressure against ‘something’ inside me.

They got what they needed then pulled the scope out. I Gagged a few times during the procedure, but it wasn’t bad at all.

After, my throat was a little sore, but that soreness went away in just a day.

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