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Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Idiopathic Protein Losing Enteropathy - A First Hand Definition

You might be asking, “What does enteropathy mean?” Breaking down the word makes it easier to understand.

*** entero refers to the intestinal tract

*** pathy refers to disease.

Now I'll tell you what PLE means to me.

I have a disease characterized by the loss of protein through my gut.

After I began doing my own research, it didn’t take long to find out how many organ systems can cause a Protein Losing Enteropathy (PLE). Among others here are:
• kidney issues

• heart issues

• lymphatic issues

• rheumatic issues

• liver issues

• dietary or digestive issues

I had to have all of these checked. Let me tell you, by no means has it been easy.

First they changed my diet to gluten free. Then I had the endoscope and colonoscopy. After that, I had CT scans of everything. Following that I had my blood vessels checked for evidence of vasculitis. I had cardiac pressures checked, and I even had die squirted in my brain so they could scan it as well.

I drank stuff that would make a billy goat puke, and I’ve been hospitalized so many times I’ve lost count.

I’ve had all these tests and the doctors haven’t yet found out why I’m losing my protein. After ruling out all known causes of my PLE, it is said to be idiopathic.

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