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Sunday, March 21, 2010

How to Talk to Doctors

If you're like me, you've had some experience with doctors.   I've found many of them to be distracted, overly technical, and sometimes pompus. 

I've discovered a few strategies that enable me to communicate better with my doctor.

Any time emotion becomes a player in the patient-doctor conversation, chances are communication effeciency will suffer.  If you find you are getting angry or upset, excuse yourself and take a break.  Go to the restroom, take a short walk, go get a soda or anything that will allow you time to calm yourself.  Take a few deep breaths, then resume the conversation with a clearer mind.

It always helps to have someone with you when talking with your doctor. 

Sometimes doctors forget who they are talking to and  use language more appropriate for other doctors.  If you're concerned this is happening, use the line, "So, you are saying..." then repeat back what you think the doctor said, using your own words. 

Go into the doctors office with a mini-recorder in your shirt pocket.  This will help with recall of doctor instructions later.

You might take some notes.

Try making a connection with your doctor.  For instance, I discovered my doctor is a martial artist.  I let her know I am as well.  I often ask her about her practices and tournaments.  This helps us make a connection so maybe she'll give my case a little more attention than she would otherwise.

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