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Friday, December 3, 2010

Dec 3, 2010 Update - Not Doing Well, and Why

I’m having a bad week. I messed up and ran low on my Lasix (fluid pills) and man, am I paying for it now!

Anasarca has set in with a vengeance! I think I have at least 30 or more poinds of fluid. It is VERY uncomfortable.

I’m paying close attention to my breathing, because fluid overload like this can cause the space between my lungs and their lining to become fluid filled. This is not good.

My belly is protruding like… like I don’t know what, and my legs, arms, hands, and face are bloated.

I definitely have to go in to the hospital Monday. My new supply of lasix did come in today, but they are not very effective right now because the edema extends into my intestinal tract and interferes with their absorbtion… hence their decreased effectiveness.

This situation as a great example of why it’s important to keep up with your meds.

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