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Thursday, July 15, 2010

From SOLAE.COM - Visit them for a wealth of information and wonderful products.

Soy Health Benefits
Soy protein is a high-quality, complete protein with a variety of health benefits. Among soy's most notable benefits are its effects on lowering blood cholesterol levels. In fact, more than ten years ago, the  U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) issued a health claim  for soy on the basis of its heart health benefits. Since then, government agencies in ten other countries have followed suit. Additionally, soy is the only widely available plant source of protein that is considered a complete form of protein; comparable in protein quality to meat, milk and eggs.

Heart Health
Soy protein can play an important part in your daily low cholesterol, low saturated fat diet by helping to reduce cholesterol and the risk of heart disease.
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Soy: A Complete Protein
Soy protein is a high-quality, complete protein that can help you meet your protein needs.
 View more information on this topic.

Weight Management
Soy protein can play a role in weight management by promoting satiety.
-Download A Weight Management Brochure to learn how soy can help you in your weight management efforts- (PDF) CLICK HERE FOR SOLAE DOWNLOAD
Child Nutrition
Soy foods can be a major source of protein for children because they contain all essential amino acids and many are fortified with vitamins and minerals.
-Download a Child Nutrition Brochure and learn how soy can play an important role in children's diets- (PDF)   CLICK HERE FOR DOWNLOAD

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