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Monday, July 19, 2010

Fish: A Great Source of Protein - Cooking Idea Video

If you want some healthy ways to cook fish, listen to some people at a fish market in England.  Watching this makes me hungry.

Sunday, July 18, 2010

What is Hypoproteinemia?

Hypoproteinemia, simply put is low blood protein levels.  There are 2 main protein types: Albumin and globulin.  Abnormal blood test results  related to these are usually delineated with a corresponding 'hyper' or 'hypo' (high and low- respectively). 

For example, Low Albumin (a plasma protein) is called, Hypoalbumemia.  This condition can also be loosely referred to as hypoproteinemia. 

"Normal" Total serum Protein level (in humans) should be between  6.0 and 8.3 gm/dl (grams per deciliter).
Normal albumin level is from 3.4 - 5.4 grams per deciliter (g/dL).

The difficulties arising when these numbers depart from normal are quite astonishing.  That said there are many conditions that can cause departures.

Higher-than-normal levels may be due to:

**ChronicChronic inflammation or infection, including HIV and hepatitis B or C
**Multiple myelomaMultiple myeloma
**Waldenstrom's diseaseWaldenstrom's disease

Lower-than-normal levels may be due to:
**Bleeding (hemorrhage)
**BurnsBurns (extensive)
**Liver diseaseLiver disease
**Nephrotic syndrome
**Protein-losing enteropathy

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Exercising with hypoproteinemia

I have noticed that when my protein is very low, I don’t have the energy required for maintaining an exercise program. I think the best idea at times like tose is to keep from lying around doing nothing. Stagnation will conspire to atrophy your muscles.

There is a dilemma however. If you have low protein, will muscles atrophy regardless of activity?

I posed this question to a doctor. He told me the type of protein I’m deficient in is not the same protein used in maintaining muscle structure. I’m low in Albumin (a plasma protein).

I say get some exercise. You are still alive aren’t you? If you are laying around doing nothing, only you can change it. Do what you can…do what you are able. it’s that simple.
From SOLAE.COM - Visit them for a wealth of information and wonderful products.

Soy Health Benefits
Soy protein is a high-quality, complete protein with a variety of health benefits. Among soy's most notable benefits are its effects on lowering blood cholesterol levels. In fact, more than ten years ago, the  U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) issued a health claim  for soy on the basis of its heart health benefits. Since then, government agencies in ten other countries have followed suit. Additionally, soy is the only widely available plant source of protein that is considered a complete form of protein; comparable in protein quality to meat, milk and eggs.

Heart Health
Soy protein can play an important part in your daily low cholesterol, low saturated fat diet by helping to reduce cholesterol and the risk of heart disease.
View more information on this topic

Soy: A Complete Protein
Soy protein is a high-quality, complete protein that can help you meet your protein needs.
 View more information on this topic.

Weight Management
Soy protein can play a role in weight management by promoting satiety.
-Download A Weight Management Brochure to learn how soy can help you in your weight management efforts- (PDF) CLICK HERE FOR SOLAE DOWNLOAD
Child Nutrition
Soy foods can be a major source of protein for children because they contain all essential amino acids and many are fortified with vitamins and minerals.
-Download a Child Nutrition Brochure and learn how soy can play an important role in children's diets- (PDF)   CLICK HERE FOR DOWNLOAD

Please visit for more information

Thursday, July 1, 2010

High Protein Diet for Hypoproteinemia - low protein - Patient VIDEO

I often find people coming to this site looking for a diet that might help with a low protein issue.  I loose huge quantities of protein through my gut so I need as much as I could consume, and still had low protein.  Information is below- good luck and God bless.

Let me advise you to watch this video. The information, though given for already healthy people, shows what proteins are good. Myself, I eat the same types of proteins shown here in higher quantities. I also eat all types of fish: catfish, cod, salmon, perch, assorted pan fish, trout, talopia etc. I love fish. Watch the video and a least consider what the young lady is saying.

Budesonide May Treat Idiopathic Protein Losing Enteropathy, possible hypoprotein treatment

BUDESONIDE may be treating my protein losing enteropathy.  According to, the Pharmacology associated with Budesonide is the following:  "Exhibits wide range of inhibitory activities against multiple cell types and mediators involved in allergic-mediated inflammation."  Additionally, this drug is a corticosteroid. 

My doctor says in capsul form it is mainly active in the gut and the side effects "hopefully" wont be as severe as prednisone - another corticosteroid. (I took prednisone and the side effects sucked).
Here is a link to Budesonide on drugs .com.  Get way more technical info:  CLICK HERE!!!

Read more:

I say this because I’ve been taking the drug for about 2 weeks straight and have noticed marked decrease in my edema. My weight has increased (over all) because I’ve been exercising, weight training and I believe, I’ve put on 30 pounds of muscle in the past 2 months.

When I began taking Budesonide, I took it at the prescribed dose of 3 caps daily. The first day I took them, I experienced severe abdominal pains which lasted several hours.

I was subsequently hospitalized (for another reason) and took no further budesonide for some time.

When I restarted the budesonide, I took one caplet and experienced no pains. The next day I went to 2 pills. I felt some mile abdominal pains lasting only a few minutes.

So, with the okay from my doctor, I began the 2 caps per day regimen, despite the originally prescribed 3 per day.

This is the prescription as it is on the bottle: