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Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Update - Spironolactone may be Helping to Retain Albumin

I traveled to the hospital with the expectation of being admitted for another round of Albumin infusions and Lasix via IV push.

Upon getting my blood work back from the lab, my primary care doctor and I happily discovered that my Albumin level was 2.1.

Why is this a good number?

I left the hospital after a 4 day stay September 2nd. and my Albumin was 2.7.  That is only .6 higher than it is now and I have been out of the hospital, (away from 3 infusions of Albumin a day) for at least 40 days.

When I went into the hospital, that stay, my Albumin was 1.7.

So, at least for now, my Albumin seems to be trending upward.

My Rheumatologist  believes the reason for this may be the Spironolactone I began taking several months ago.

I just looked up this drug and see where some folks claim it helps with fluid retention for folks with congestive heart failure.  I DON'T HAVE CONGESTIVE HEART FAILURE but   It may be  helping with my fluid retention problems because somehow it is helping my body  retain my protein (which, when low, causes  a change in osmotic pressure allowing fluid from the cells to move across the cell membranes and  'third-space').

Since my Albumin showed this 2.1 measurement, we decided I didn't need to be admitted for agressive diuresis.  We decided that I'd increase my spironolactone  as well as my daily lasix.

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