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Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Observations Related to Prolonged Protein Increase

(Picture - a reminder: When flash flooding is occuring, turn around, don't drown)
Keep in mind here that my weight without edema is approx 127lbs. When I was healty however, my weight was in the 170's... that was back in about 2002.

For one reason or another, I've had moments (peoiods of time lasting weeks) when my protein would "spike". That is, my protein would suddenly albeit, enigmatically rise to near normal.

My doctor had discussed possible causes of the spikes, and had even tested some of your theories.

One such theory is the reason for this post. You see, my doctor, Suzanne Sanders of G.V. Sonny Montgomery Veterans Medical Center in Jackson, MS had suspected that some antibiotics were responsible for my protein spikes. When we tested this hypothesis with the administration of IV antibiotics while hospitalized, our hypothesis was not supported.

This past month I was admitted to the hospital with anasarca. My weight was 165lbs. I had pitting edema all the way up to my cranium.
I went in the hospital Jan 22, and came out Jan 27. I went from the weight of 165 pounds to 135 pounds. I was treated with albumin infusions as well as lasix IV push. I was getting 50mg Albumin infused over 1 hour q8 hours. Each albumin infusion was followed up with an IV push of 60 ml of lasix given 1/2 hour after each albumin. We chose this aggressive strategy of direusis since my last hospitalization yeilded little results with the albuming and only 40ml lasix given q 12 hrs.

Okay, back to the antibiotic angle: While in the hospital, the doctors found my white blood cell sount rose to 17. After investigating they determined it was probably an absessed tooth causing it so they prescribed an oral antibiotic, clendamyacin (sorry if I spelled it wrong).

I had 2 weeks worth of it. Today is Feb 9, and I'm still in the 130 pound range.

My oral lasix is still working very well. Usually, by now my weight would be creeping back up as my lasix slowly diminishes in effectiveness.

The reason I'm talking about my weight a lot is because that's how I (roughly) guage what my protein level is without a blood test. When my albumin is less than 1, and my total protein is 2 or less my edema (and my weight) increases dramatically.

Hence, when my weight stays low for an extended period of time, I can pretty well be sure my protein is in a more acceptable range. Anyway, I ran out of the clendamyacin yesterday. I have a prescription for another antibiotic i'm going to be taking till it is gone, then we'll see what my protein level does.

***25 Feb 2010:  147.6 pounds at 10:00 pm  I ate several pickles today.  I'm adding this at 1:30 am Friday morning.  I seem to have been urinating a lot tonight.  I think that's a good thing.  I don't want to retain that water (third spaced) it really sucks.

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