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Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Protein health benefit by Ray Sahelian, M.D.
Protein supplement information

Protein is the main component of muscles, organs, and glands. Every living cell and all body fluids, except bile and urine, contain protein. The cells of muscles, tendons, and ligaments are maintained with protein.
Protein intake by seniors
Older people who eat a good amount of foods with protein will protect themselves from the loss of skeletal muscle that accompanies aging. About 40 percent of US adults 70 or older get less than the recommended 0.8 grams per kilogram of body weight per day of protein. Older people may cut down on their animal protein intake due to cost, difficulty chewing, or concerns about the high cholesterol or fat content of these foods.

Complete Proteins

All meat and other animal products are sources of complete proteins. These include beef, lamb, pork, poultry, fish, shellfish, eggs, milk, and milk products. Egg white protein has a good amount of albumin called ovalbumin. Casein is the predominant protein found in fresh milk.

Incomplete proteins

Protein in foods (such as grains, fruits, and vegetables) are either low, incomplete protein or lack one of the essential amino acids. These food sources are considered incomplete proteins. Plant proteins can be combined to include all of the essential amino acids and form a complete protein. Examples of combined, complete plant proteins are rice and beans, milk and wheat cereal, and corn and beans.

For the rest of the article, CLICK HERE!

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Hospital stay leading into April

4 April, 2010 (Sunday)
Went to Hospital last week. I went in Monday March 29 and came out Thursday April 1. I went in with a weight of 164 and came out weighing approx 154.

Last time I was in for just a day or 2 longer and I lost over 20 pounds. I think this time the reason for only 10 pounds was my lasix dosage was 10mg less every 8 hours.

It's Easter Sunday and I havn't weighted my self since I've been home.